Big Bear ADV?

We are adventure riders living in Brasov, a city in the center of Romania, the perfect place to ride a ADV motorcycle. We love riding on the forest roads of the Carpathians, but every time we ride in the deepest forest we might encounter a bear. So the adrenaline comes not only from the motorcycle, but also from the places we cross.
That’s why we gave ourselves this name – Big Bear Adventure.

What we do?

We create accessories for ADV riders who want to explore more.

Our products are perfect for crossing technical sections of off-road routes, but also for touring

Solution from an ADV rider to another ADV rider

It all started with our needs. In off-road, you need to be light and sometimes you need to be able to remove your luggage quickly and easily.

So we developed a system that makes this possible. This way we can travel light and not have to worry about removing the luggage.

How it all started?

Florin is an engineer and when he thinks something can be fixed, he finds a solution. A good solution. Always he gets things done. 

And we travel... not so much we want but still we do

We like to ride on asphalt, on unpaved roads but mostly we love to ride on forest roads and if is muddy the fun is much more interesting